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Sorry Peyton - Printable Version

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Sorry Peyton - jedi - 4-26-15 8:56 PM

HD+Fullscreen for optimal viewing experience.

RE: Sorry Peyton - kc21 - 4-26-15 9:02 PM

10/10 best film

RE: Sorry Peyton - yellow - 4-26-15 9:04 PM

im dead
10/10 would watch again

RE: Sorry Peyton - Jeff. - 4-26-15 9:07 PM

During that route, i locked eyes with jedi and at that moment I remembered the blame for gb's loss against sbh when i played. And i yelled "FINISH HIM!"

RE: Sorry Peyton - Peyton - 4-26-15 9:35 PM

The video was really well made and the directing was good. It would have made for a better video if my actual team played.

RE: Sorry Peyton - Jeff. - 4-26-15 9:44 PM

Yes, youre right. Both teams played poorly. But gg anyway

RE: Sorry Peyton - Tj - 4-27-15 10:54 AM

Who didnt know that if he lost to us and his whole team wasnt on hed have an excuse?Lets not forget he chose the day and time.GG

Aint like you was missing much,you picked up 2 players who you played with for years that havent played in a while,for 2 players that havent played in a while.....seems bout right.

RE: Sorry Peyton - Death - 4-27-15 2:29 PM

Peyton if you picked me up I wouldve stopped that fool jedi.

RE: Sorry Peyton - buttfumble - 4-27-15 7:12 PM

10/10 for enya

RE: Sorry Peyton - Peyton - 4-27-15 10:07 PM

(4-27-15 10:54 AM)Tj Wrote:  Who didnt know that if he lost to us and his whole team wasnt on hed have an excuse?Lets not forget he chose the day and time.GG

Aint like you was missing much,you picked up 2 players who you played for years with that havent played in a while,for 2 players that havent played in a while.....seems bout right.
First off, I did choose the time of day and that is known. It was my starters that didn't show up so I'm not sure what you're arguing because I showed up and I played the game with 3 subs. I didn't ask to reschedule for the following day because I know that you would rather win against ringers - we all know how excited you were to play with those odds. If I had Arod you would have lost by 30+, if I had Arod and smoked you would have lost by 40+, simple as that. Arod doesn't get rusty and smoked has worked on his routes with me while both boo and blaze were "straight off the street".

Now the reason I replied to the thread the way that I did is because it's targeted directly at me even though I really wasn't the reason for the loss, although I could have played better. Then Jeff gave his two cents about "finishing me" after blaming him for last tournament's loss when in fact I never blamed him for that loss (ask Fun who I blamed).

So here you guys are taking shots at me while I played handicapped yet it is you guys that posted in the "SBH disbanded" thread about how certain personalities are "killing" this mod. Well, I tried so hard not to reply to that thread because the arguments were so irrational, yet I can't help myself here because you contradicted your very own irrational arguments.

Let me go down the list...

(4-17-15 6:13 PM)Tj Wrote:  Its not your skill sets that makes people dislike you. It's the way you guys talk to people and treat people.
Tj, you always talk shit and you're always serious about it. You're like the guy in your fishing video that got his ass stuck - the only time you say that you're kidding is when you get confronted or someone talks shit back.

(4-18-15 8:58 PM)Tj Wrote:  My life is a little weird to most of you and you dont understand why i do what i do but i appreciate that not being something thats thrown in my face.
While your source of income is an easy target for personal attacks, people have not exploited it that way you have and continue to do with kc's pictures. You got annoyed with a 15 year old kid so much that you took his childhood pictures and spread it around the community and recently made a meme of him. This first started a few years ago and at that time I asked you not to continue spreading personal information, but hey you're just kidding right?

(4-19-15 11:24 AM)Tj Wrote:  in the mod you can cheat multiple times,ruin the fun of the game for everyone and still be allowed to play but if you post on forums thats not ok. Sounds about right.
I don't feel like I need to explain myself, but I will anyway. It's in nobody's best interest to lose a player that makes a bad decision, like Sly, but it is in the best interest of the mod for any player that cheats to be held accountable. Sly made a mistake, but he has been a great player since this incident and a good member of the community. Funny thing is you weren't even referring to Sly in this statement because you're biased as hell - you were definitely referring to Rawr since he's on SBH.

(4-12-15 8:28 PM)Tj Wrote:  You made a team then left it with your best player to go stack another team?
You're blaming them for wanting to play together? Tj, they're just looking to have fun. Why are you being so competitive man and why are you blaming them for wanting to play with each other? They didn't break any rules and kc clearly had a valid reason and yet you still blame them for wanting to play together and have fun? Would you spew up more cancerous material if death left TUD the day before the tournament in hopes of joining another team? Well that did happen and I didn't see a brain damaging thread authored by you.

(4-12-15 8:28 PM)Tj Wrote:  Guess peyton is ok with it so he can duck the competition till champ game.GG
This just pisses me off because you insult me as a competitor and as the tournament organizer.

Look back on the history of tournaments you dumb fuck.

I have always given my own team the toughest schedule because it allows others to have more fun and it makes for more competitive games. I even gave us the hardest schedule when I quarterbacked for your team you idiot.

You messaged me before this tournament and said "nice job stacking your side of the bracket with bad teams" and I couldn't believe it - again I had the toughest schedule, but you don't see that. I knew before the tournament began that Misanthrope would be able to compete and so would have Alliance, but there was no leadership and the crisis management post-Chrispy was terrible with the addition of craig to quarterback. This is why you're not calling the shots, if it was up to you, all 3 of your games would have been against TUD.

(4-26-15 9:07 PM)Jeff. Wrote:  I remembered the blame for gb's loss against sbh when i played. And i yelled "FINISH HIM!"

The only thing I blame you for is being stubborn. As it is, you're a poor man's blood, yet you have so much more potential which is why I recruited you last year. Unfortunately, you never listened - always thought that I was antagonizing you when I was simply telling you how to do certain things, but you always had an excuse as if you knew better than me. Smoked has a lot of experience in this game and yet he has shown nothing but effort and desire to get better since I picked him up. Not once did he make an excuse or tell me that he must do something a certain way because of this or that. He always said "alright, let's do it" and if something didn't go as planned we'd work on figuring it out. This is how it was with Grogglez, Blaze, deadpool and dop, which made it so fun. This is how it should be because there would be no "bitching" or "antagonizing", just football baby.


I would like to end by stating my opinion on all of your concerns about the future of the mod. The arguments against SBH are ridiculous. While, they have huge ass egos (kc and blood), at least have some fucking logic when it comes to arguing how they're killing the mod. You guys say that you play and have always played because you want to have fun. Do you think kc is going to have more fun catching balls from Funtastik or playing quarterback and possibly losing to someone who would make a video of them in celebration of a handicapped victory? Yea, they did disband their teams right before the start of the tournament, but they realized that they wanted to have fun AND win, yet you guys are mad at them because their skill is making it less fun for you? Bottom line is that the cancerous talk about the death of the mod should stop. The arguments make no sense and the subject is nothing but cancer being spewed for absolutely no reason. If you want the mod to die out then stop playing, it'll still be here when you come back. This cancerous talk has been a subject since I can remember and the mod has always evolved and improved as it will continue to do so, as continually promised.