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CSAFM Community Please Stand up - Printable Version

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- hyoujin - 6-12-13 4:03 PM

He's got a point cookie.. not to mention your inability to get along with chrispy and other players (like the pug just an hour ago) automatically creates trolling and you end up rage quitting (you've done this multiple times in the past month).

You may not be the original cause of people trolling you and taking your QB, but your attitude surely contributes to it. This ruins a lot of pugs and usually ends in a pug ending and everyone leaving.

- Chrispy - 6-12-13 4:12 PM

Why are you bringing me into this? 1) The only person I annoy in the pub is you, so speak for yourself. 2) I wasn't intentionally trolling that pug that resulted in ban, if I were you would have knew it way before the game ended, it was just a dumb and risky lat on my part. I apologized for it to you and also was punished for it. 3) That was my only ban for trolling so I don't know what other times you are talking about. 4) Until you just brought me into this although my voice probably doesn't matter considering I am a qb already in the league, I was going to say hyoujins reiteration of your original post makes sense and I agree with it. If you got enough positive feedback to the point where peyton considered letting you play, I was going to offer to play you in pug for my spot because a) everyone should be able to play and I have 10x better chance of getting drafted as a wr than you do. And b)I had no doubt that I would beat you as many times as needed to prove you don't belong, but at least I would have had the courtesy of giving you a chance to compete. But now... After all this bashing of my name for no reason, I would rather give my spot to that 14 year old arrogant little fuck before I would even think to give it up for you.

- JohnConnery - 6-12-13 5:22 PM

1) you annoy many people in the pub and pug and they talk about it daily 2)Whatever you were punished once already 3) you've been banned atleast twice for trolling once from that game, and one recently, but people have called for you to be banned for trolling over 5 times, 4) Again I believe you're only a Qb because you sucked up to peyton over the last few months and played teachers pet which was something I wouldn't do, honestly most of the pug reggers dont even think you're decent and wonder why you even decide to Qb games, A) considering all I play is Qb you're right I wouldn't get selected as a WR cause I dont try to be one b) you would beat me as many times as you could to prove I don't belong? Kid do you live in a fantasy world..... YOU NEVER Beat me you might win one out of 10 games, the other day they said our pugs were for your spot and you lost 4-1 in the series, nobody respects you as a Qb they all say the shit when they play you, so as I said before only reason you're a Qb is because you play this game 8 Hours a day AND YOU STILL SUCK and lose. Ask the regs if theyd rather you Qb for them or Me, your football IQ is 0, I actually analyze and read the defense and call plays you just throw up shit and hope it gets caught. The End

- Chrispy - 6-12-13 5:38 PM

Lol I knew you would same some shit like this, stop lying to yourself. We never even played for my spot, I haven't even played you in a pug since I knew I had a spot in the league. Im not gonna argue with you, my gameplay compared to yours is all that needs to be said. I'm sorry for even commenting on the thread, I had no intention in starting all this. But fyi prayers are now called "the connery throw"... not "the chrispy throw"

- Chrispy - 6-12-13 5:41 PM

Just to set the record, since I've had a mic and started taking pugs more seriously you've beat me once. Out of what 8 or 9 games?

- JohnConnery - 6-12-13 5:45 PM

Lol you're delusional kid I swear, on friday I beat you 4 out of 5 people in the server.... hyoujin/Jeff/DP/Craig to name a few ask them how bad you lost I think blaze and leggie were there too... Jeff even commented on how bad you're as did hyoujin... keep living in your dreamworld kid... maybe you'll live up to your own expectations one day.

- Chrispy - 6-12-13 5:50 PM

It's come to my attention that you are a pathological liar, I'm sorry, I never realized before that you suffered from this condition.

- hyoujin - 6-12-13 6:15 PM

I don't want to get into this argument between the two of you. But Chrispy, Connery did beat you, I believe 3-1 or 4-1, in a series where I was jokingly saying that you guys should play for the CSFL2 spot kinda like the Tom Brady and Peyton Manning showdown (10 games).

- Chrispy - 6-12-13 6:19 PM

How long ago was this? I'm talking recent games since I have had a mic

- JohnConnery - 6-12-13 6:19 PM

Lol Chrispy..... I am a pathelogical liar? this comming from the kid who admittedly lies about his lfie online to annoy and troll people? Are you being serious right now or doing your usual troll routine? you're clearly the biggest loser in this mod get a life kid outside of this game, it's quite pathetic.