American Football Mod
Mysterious Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Mysterious Ban Appeal - Mysterious - 1-17-19 6:31 PM

I haven't played CSAFM in ages and would like to play again but I cannot join the server.

Ban Information
Name: Mysterious
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:3805095
Reason: Alternate Account
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: American Football Mod | Official Server
Admin SteamID: N/A

RE: Mysterious Ban Appeal - Mysterious - 1-18-19 10:49 AM

I know but in the odd chance, I'd like to play.

I actually saw 10 people in the server last night but could not join. Sad

RE: Mysterious Ban Appeal - Peyton - 1-18-19 2:28 PM


RE: Mysterious Ban Appeal - Mysterious - 1-18-19 3:05 PM

Thank you.