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Banned for no reason?
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Posts: 10
Joined: Dec 2013
Post: #1

Hello i've been banned for no reason a admin randomly put up a vote and i know my vociec can get a nooying but i shouldnt be kicke ofr it please soembody elp me?
12-11-13 9:36 AM
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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #2

First off, you were vote-banned, which is a temporary ban of 30 minutes.

Your voice is annoying, but not worthy of a ban. Your behavior is the reason you were vote-banned. Your team asked you to stop taking quarterback, but you continued to do so. When they were attempting to vote-kick you, you decided to mock them by providing them your corresponding vote-kick number. I only enabled them to do what they wanted to do.
12-11-13 10:36 AM
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Post: #3

Don't generate a damn thread every time some dumb shit happens. You are very young and we encourage your enthusiasm but stfu alittle, learn to play the game and until you do. DON'T take qb unless someone says "Someone take qb!" Esp when there is more then 3v3 going on.
12-13-13 5:18 AM
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