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opeezy pug admin server..
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Post: #1

I think i should have admin in the pug server.. since im in there quite a few and do more than anyone starting them and gathering people. I know i do troll, but give it a shot. One troll can take it away perm ban me and i will retire. Don't feel like gratitude is given when necessary.

Sincerely, Peez#1 Legendario
4-2-14 5:36 AM
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The Real Mr. 99
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Post: #2

Give it to him under the condition that if he trolls we perm ban him.. then we can finally get rid of this mofo for good!

Kidding. Although he leaves pugs, he also starts 'em so I'm +1 for it.

[Image: 1zAFF.jpg]
4-2-14 3:15 PM
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Post: #3

i think grogglez should have admin because he respects me
4-2-14 5:18 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #4

I think he should be given a shot I mean there are a lot of admins but at 2 am when he starts the pugs there can be no one on to start the draft.

As I said give him a shot we all know his history and the type of player he is but admin can be taken away just as easily as given. I believe he understands this.


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4-2-14 9:40 PM
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Post: #5

appreciate it, good looking out. Like i said one troll can take away, blood good fella. Grogglez love me too much to see me ban, so nice try there. Para who are you
4-3-14 1:11 AM
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Post: #6

'cm' flags only if any
4-3-14 1:28 AM
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Post: #7

kc anything you ever post is so fucking delusional and irrelevant, idk why you think you are a bigshot in a mod? Acting like you some shit, not even in an online game your not. I dont know why you have admin, all you do is fucking abuse and redraft once you come in late and draft complete just cause you wana play you dumb pos, only thinking of yourself and not the community and helping it grow. one word. die.
4-3-14 4:52 AM
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Tom Brady

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Post: #8

Osleezy does start a fuckton of pugs, only fair that the guy who rounds everybody up should also be able to start a draft-- I ain't talking give this motherfucker RCON AND FTP AND HOOK AND GRAB AND BAN AND SLAY AND HAND THE KEYS OVER SINCE WE'RE STILL TALKING ABOUT OSLEEZY, but /startdraft & /enddraft should be given to somebody who does the dirty job, which is being the first one in and inviting everybody.

4-3-14 5:30 AM
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Post: #9

Basic admin granted. Thread closed.
4-3-14 5:39 AM
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