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Peyton Manning
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Roll Tide
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Post: #1

Peyton Manning and boo I was the one talking to you on his account. You actually think my brother would talk to you that way? Also the fact that the things I said provoked a kick? You said "Say one more thing to me last warning" and I didn't because I wasn't on my account. Then after you left I was quarterback and a player blatantly stood in front of the bot which I had asked boo politely to move him so I could snap the ball(with 7 seconds on the playclock) and he did nothing. Then afterwards I was rude. I don't care what you, yeti, boo or any admins have against me.. but my brother has done nothing to deserve this. He is or has been annoying with mic and meaningless trolling that shouldn't bother any one in this mod especially to the extent of banning for 15 days for "Excessive Flaming". Regardless of who said what.. The sad part is what was said would not have warranted a ban if ANYONE else said it. Now lie to me and every one else in the mod and say it would. PLEASE post the convo of what I said to you AND boo let them decide. You have changed Peyton.. Ever since you won your first tournament. Your arrogance has made you into an complete asshole. Yeah sure I didn't play in the league. I apologized you still hold a grudge about something as small as that in a mod on a game that is 14 years old. As I said you can ban me for 15 days Idc you can ban me permanently idc I am not the one you really wants to play but my brother does. Treating him like shit and giving him unfair punishment because he is my brother is not fair what so ever. Anyways good luck with your community. 5 years it's been fun..

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
7-4-14 1:29 PM
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Post: #2

Siri has talked to us that way in the past, both in the the PUG and PUB server. We just got rid of Messi for continually acting out and we won't deal with another of his kind, it's just plain annoying and cancerous to the community.

I never said "say one more thing to me last warning." I said "don't talk to me anymore last warning." I never egg people on just so I can kick or ban them, I just want people to stop being annoying and play the game. People talk shit to me all the time in the PUB and await to see me talk shit back, but since it's the PUB server and the shit talk is not worth my time, the reply is always the same: don't talk to me. If the unwarranted shit talk persists, you get kicked. I'm not dealing with childish behavior.

As for the ban, you were talking shit to boo about us after I had left. Seeing that you continued to talk shit for absolutely no reason, the account was banned.
7-4-14 1:43 PM
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Gronkowski #87

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Post: #3

hey peyton i was just a 12 year old kid back then its not like i meant any of you to get offended i was only trying to act cool. dont get all mad im just a kid trying to have some fun peyton so relax.

[Image: 66856531.jpg]
7-4-14 1:50 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #4

Sure thing man. As I see it you are the source of the cancer.. This isn't how you play but how you treat people from a community stand point. Make up rules to fit your needs when there is objections you comb it over with lame excuses.. Idk what messi did nor do I care but I know my brother rarely plays enough to be considered cancerous. What ever he will spend his 15 days that's only because he doesn't understand how much of a shithead you have become. I know sure as hell i wouldn't play being treated like this.

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
7-4-14 1:53 PM
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Post: #5

siri: You were acting out just this past week in the PUG server.

blood: "Make up rules to fit your needs when there is objections you comb it over with lame excuses."

Seems like you're still upset because I banned you after CSFL2. You signed up for CSFL2, which meant you agreed to be committed to the season just as you commit to playing the whole PUG match when you get picked in the PUG server. You left CSFL2 right away because you were picked by someone whom you disliked. You screwed Chrispy and that whole team over because you are selfish. My decision to ban you only serves to show how objective my decision making is. It doesn't matter if you are bad, good or great, if I like you or dislike you, whether you're on my team or not on my team: there will be consequences if you are out of line no matter who you are.

Normally, I would close this thread at this point, but seeing that you would call me a commy as you did today after you're unwarranted shit-talking spree, I will leave it open so that those that support your stance can post on your behalf.
7-4-14 2:12 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #6

You are so stupid it's beyond belief you can close it after this because it's trailing off original topic. I know what I did was wrong in the league you can ask fun i said my actions were bad for the community and the league. I was saying that you are still holding a grudge... and I am not mad that you banned me? Wtf still a troll..

As I said he will do his time no point in arguing a lost cause. He will not ban evade I will make sure because he does want to play and his ban was my fault completely even if I don't agree with the reason. I'm done close, delete idc

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
7-4-14 2:23 PM
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Post: #7

Honestly both arguments are compelling. But in all honesty i would unban siri. Not because I like him but because you compared him to Messi, and he is not nearly as bad as messi. Messi had been asking for admin since jan. Now, if siri will do one thing for me and commit not to troll or do anything dumb. Shit talking is fine. Everyone does it.

[Image: 2014-11-0911_04_22.gif]

7-5-14 4:52 PM
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Gronkowski #87

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Post: #8

man all i want to do is just play csafm i really enjoy it and i wont do that again but i would want to ask one thing if you would back of me because im bloods brother i dont do as near as amount of stuff he does and i get that im not good so deal with it not everybodys good.

[Image: 66856531.jpg]
7-6-14 4:45 PM
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Post: #9

Don't act as if you're some sort of victim. I never disliked you because you're blood's brother. I helped you in PUGs when you first started and if anything treated you better because you're blood's brother.

Change your password and don't let blood on your account. Unbanned.
7-6-14 6:31 PM
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