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Roll Tide
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Post: #1

I don't really play in the pub much nor did I ever care about my pub rating, but I know there are a lot of players who do. It has come to my attention that a certain player is "boosting" his pub rating. By boosting I mean there being 3 or 4 players in the server and the defense allows the offense to score to boost rating. I feel like boosting your rating is unfair for other players who try to earn the end of the month awards fairly.

It also has come to my attention that beaverboys is a very bad player. Him having 2k rating this early into the month is highly unlikely.

I have no proof other than that, but I feel there should be a rule added that if any one is caught boosting their rating will be put at -1000 and they have to work from there.

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
7-22-14 10:15 AM
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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #2

There is a rule that prohibits boosting, however proof is required for a ban. Those that are caught boosting will have their stats reset.
7-22-14 11:45 AM
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Post: #3

All Beaverboy does is play this lol he is on in the moring when mostly bad people play because the dont like playing with harder people later inn the day and he plays like all day as well I have not been on in the last like 2 weeks without seening beaver on and beaver has like 21k plays

[Image: zWVLXf1.png]
7-22-14 11:54 AM
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Post: #4

Don't know about the boosting but he plays alot. Isee him often when theres like 2-3 ppl per teams. Can't say he's boosting tho, just plays alot.
7-22-14 12:01 PM
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Post: #5

He has 23k plays dude he's just overdosing on the game cause he's been banned for like a year.

[Image: yPX0w7.gif]
7-24-14 9:47 AM
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Post: #6

Holy fuck imagine if i had 23k plays
7-24-14 10:42 AM
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Post: #7

Farming has been going on sense my first week in the mod usually fo Qb STATS.

Btw cookie don't need to imagine you having 23k plays it was called 12/2009 lmfao!
7-28-14 1:26 PM
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aka cheeX

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Post: #8

I was accused of this, till they realized my rating was based on interceptions.

"Confidence is the prequisite to success" - Richard Sherman
7-28-14 7:06 PM
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