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Post: #1

AFM community I need help. ESPECIALLY CSFL3 captains. After two depressing offensive starts to CSFL3 in week 1, Philadelphia Flight all agreed (including our captain) that I was going to step in at QB because I have more dedication to the mod than coolbrah does and more experienced as a Qb and in tournaments. I'm not going to bash him but he wasn't putting up the points when given the ball multiple times by a well schemed defense.

Now this would all be fine. What's the problem if kc21 were to step in at qb? Well i'll explain why aparently im not allowed to qb.

Ive been given 3 reasons

1) Peyton would like to keep the same verdict as last time when arod wanted to take andersons qb.
My answer to this reason before you ddosed and blocked me last night is that this unlike last time involves a QB that has posted a 35 QBR and 24 QBR (sorry mustard bb) and he will be out for the playoffs on september 3rd anyways because he is getting his wisdom teeth removed. Last time with anderson, he was more than capable of QBing since he had the experience and skill, and ARODD just too good and wanted to take qb.

Therefore this reason is flawed

2)"kc is a mediocre qb who only wins in pugs when he has the much better team or hes playing vs bads, or he gets a bad team and just rages and ends. Whats to say kc wont rage in CSFL3"

Ok, im definitely not MEDIOCRE, don't make me sick i've been cleaning yours (yes yours peyton manning) FUCKING PIPES in the pug server, and if I continue my daily pug smashing routine with record and shanks ill definitely be keeping my current qbr of 109 or raising it. There is no stopping this train. As for raging at qb in CSFL? Hardly see that happening at the connection and game planning and preparation ive had with my team in the past 2 days because i didn't see me qbing to be a fucking disaster to CSFL3.

Therefore this is also flawed.

3)Taking yours truely MR. 99 from the WR pool.

HONESTLY. This is the worst reason I was given. Me Qbing for flight im teaching my players what routes to run and how I would run them has already showed improvement in our offence. Our defence has allowed 25 pts we just need pts. Also if there were demos for the first two games you would see a scumbag named milkman doubling me going across the middle always, and it was basically the same story vs washington.

All in all how would the qb switch of CB to KC not benefit Philadelphia Flight and the competitiveness of the league as a whole.
8-22-14 4:31 AM
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The PAT King

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Post: #2

As much as you always come off wicked cocky...I do have to a agree you're not a medicore QB mostly due to good footwork and being smart. STOP BEING SO COCKY *CLING CLING*

Current PAT Record = RETIRED

Previous Records
336 (Record Blocked)
232 (Missed)
[Image: 1vm83oU.png]
8-22-14 4:34 AM
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Mr. 99
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Post: #3

To further promote competitive integrity, I believe kc21 should be allowed to quarterback as long as his dedication is present to compete in CSFL3 as well as his team being in agreement that he is to take over at the position.

[Image: ksxay.gif]
8-22-14 6:15 AM
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Boul of the Year

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Post: #4

KC is a got 2014.
8-22-14 6:16 AM
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Probably banged your wife

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Post: #5

I think to keep a more competitive aspect in the league KC should qb. if Coolbrah consents to this i don't see anything wrong with it.

Do you want that milk pasteurized?
8-22-14 6:59 AM
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Post: #6

Mustard Approved

8-22-14 8:00 AM
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Post: #7

If the whole team wants it why not I think peyton know Johnny football (aka kc ) will bring flight to greatness

[Image: zWVLXf1.png]
8-22-14 8:05 AM
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World Class QB

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Post: #8

+1, I think kc is actually top 5 qbs in the mod.
8-22-14 10:20 PM
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Hall of Fame

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Post: #9

He cant stand the fact that he might not win and wants to run the team so if he does do ok he can say yea it was because coolbrah is bad and i had to take over.The 109 rating in pug is because every time you go down by 10 points even if in 1st quarter you ended the games so don't let that go to your head to much jimmy neutron.After first saying yea he def shouldn't be able to do that,i thought about it and listened to coolbrah tell me he is a piece of shit and cookie runs the team so i will have to say there is nothing more you can do than to let kc qb for flight since coolbrah obviously has been brain washed.Good luck.

8-23-14 5:07 AM
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Hall of Fame

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Post: #10

Also i think that taking the best wr off of there team would benefit the rest of the league and give a few easy wins to some teams out there.The thing that bothers me is when they do go down on the score he will just call double throws to coolbrah so he can hike the ball and go catch a

8-23-14 5:11 AM
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