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Some one, help.
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Post: #11

Have you not been playing in pug or atleast paying attention in it at all? You cant double throw anymore.. Pay attention when you play in the pug. No wonder you keep overthrowing people like goat and then tell him hes trolling and trade us a player for him. All those picks he got on our team was troll huh.
8-23-14 2:42 PM
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Post: #12

Actually i was being sarcastic.You are the last person that needs to be telling anyone anything about how to play this game or what they are doing wrong.You are a known scripter and came on these forums to cry about it and tell everyone your love for this game.You have no life what so ever out side of this game and why would you when you look the way you do?And me calling goodgoat a troll is exactly what he was being which is why his ass got traded to the team he wanted to play for from the get go.Ask anyone that played with us who the troll of the team was and you will get the same answer from each and every one of them.I just find it funny someone who had to cheat at this shitty ass game feels the need to try to be big bad ass know all now that youre on a team with funtastik.Werent you one of the guys back in the day who hated on all of them because they was so much better than you?Were you not talking shit about all of them?Go kill yourself yoshi.

8-24-14 7:33 AM
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The Real Mr. 99
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Post: #13

I cringe any time I come on the forum and see rawr post anything. Honestly, who are you and what gives you the right to come on the forum and badmouth people who are better than you? Shut the fuck up and stop posting PLZ.

Furthermore, TJ cut GoodGoat because that's all that he knows how to do; get cut.

[Image: 1zAFF.jpg]
8-24-14 2:05 PM
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Post: #14

8-24-14 2:14 PM
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Post: #15

8-24-14 5:27 PM
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Post: #16

[Image: ____6058407_orig.gif]
8-31-14 11:54 AM
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That Dick

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Post: #17

wow that lady looks exactly like a black version of Jeff

8-31-14 3:04 PM
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