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Cling Cling
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Roll Tide
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Post: #1

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-2-15 10:15 PM
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Post: #2

1-3-15 8:24 AM
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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #3

Blood why you making this thread. You have less rings than me.
Besides one of my 4 is a coveted CSFL ring, which is harder to get.

1-3-15 8:50 AM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #4

In this post it doesn't say the amount of rings I have won.
In this post it doesn't say the amount of rings peyton has won.
In this post it doesn't say that I played for peyton in 4 Tournaments where he was complete dog shit. Aka Cutler to Marshall
In this post it doesn't say that When I played against peyton he had an incredibly stacked teams compared to everyone else at the time. If he can use this excuse so can I
In this post it doesn't say that in the next tournament around April he is going to to get absolutely murdered unless he has Grogglez Arod Dop and Boo
That is a fact

You will not stand a chance using shitties, stop being arrogant and pick up your gb fucks and lets have a decent last tournament Big Grin

Cling Cling

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-3-15 5:38 PM
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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #5

In this post it doesn't say that I lost every time I had blood on my team. AKA Terrell Owens

In this post it doesn't say that When I played against blood and lost he had an incredibly stacked teams compared to everyone else at the time. If he can use this excuse so can I.

What was the purpose of your post when you asked me to watch in while we were playing earlier? I win every award in the PUG? Well that's because when teams are balanced, I always win because I am the better player. Simple as that.

1-3-15 6:36 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #6

I wasn't asking you I was asking KC. You are blocked so anything I say is never directed towards you when in the server.

Your point about you only losing when you had me. I was the best Wr at the time playing with a shit qb aka you.. You can blame me all you want but you put any wr to replace me at that time you would have still lost to SBH.
That is a Fact

Also I'm glad you think every one takes Pugs as seriously as you. Call it what you want IDC. You play with shit players aka Wicked, Jeff, Blaze, and any other roach you want to pull out of your ass. You will not beat Me fun Kc21 on the same team. You HAVE to have Grogglez Arod and Dop.

If your team is shit I am not even going to play for fun and SBH because it's a waste of my time and everyone elses because your ego kills the competitiveness by pulling in random players who give you no shot to compete. Use your initial GB players or starting writing out your excuses now for next tournaments loss.

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-3-15 8:19 PM
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Gronkowski #87

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Post: #7

You gonna eat yo cornbread

[Image: 66856531.jpg]
1-4-15 3:33 AM
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