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Got banned from Pug for leaving
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Roll Tide
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Post: #1

I want to know how I get banned for leaving a pug when its 4th qtr and the game is well out of reach 50 - 13 roughly my team is winning. The qbs are messi and aaron rodgers which aaron was a fill in for chrispy who left in the first half when the score was like 40 - 0 and Record leaves and doesn't receive the same punishment? The game was over and messi even said that when I told him to hit me because I have been beating my guy all game and he said the game was already over he didn't care.. so I left. So I don't see how you can ban me and not the other people who leave or get replacements I see all the time in games where the scores are close or early in the game..

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 2:55 PM
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World Class QB

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Post: #2

Score wise game was over when it started. You're wrong though, they all got banned. Record, Chrispy, and whoever else it was. Just because its ALMOST 4th quarter doesnt give you the right to pretty much /end it. the game was ended right the second you left. And even in the rules it says that :

By starting a pug match, you're willing to spend 20-30 minutes of your time.
1-23-15 3:33 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #3

Record isn't banned moron. I understand the rules, I am saying if I get banned so should every one else. I see it all the time not just today. So you can leave this thread

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 3:36 PM
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World Class QB

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Post: #4

Jokes on you, "moron." If you know the rules why'd u break them. Atleast record had a replacement and boo still said he was going to ban him. Chrispy rage quit like u did and got a ban. Atleast record had a actual reason and though I wanted him instead of U on my team, he had a good reason, he's not gonna starve him self over a pug. While u decided to just yell at me, call me bad and leave because I don't throw to U and abuse u ever play.
1-23-15 4:09 PM
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Post: #5

Just because you see people abandoning PUG without receiving punishments doesn't mean it's all right to leave. It just means that there is nobody in the server to enforce the rule. You can report those players on this forum.

And FYI, all the players who left PUG today were banned. I gave Record less of a punishment due to all the unnecessary pauses that game, and he had a legitimate reason to leave.
1-23-15 4:53 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #6

@Messi I left because you said you didn't care about the game because "It was over" You were getting sacked and throwing picks because your mouse or some shit wasn't working.. The game was out of reach and there were several pauses because one of their players had left. Regardless I accept responsibility for my ban I was just wondering why I get punished while others had not. Also you are not a good player at all.. any one who has said you were good was trolling you. You suck at Quarterback your deep throws are terrible you can't even throw a proper in or out route. You have no awareness period.. You WR like a bot Routes are garbage and you constantly miss wide open passes. Your Defense is utter trash You can't even handle eakin when the passes where throw so you can make a play. You are not good, I am ending this garbage about people hyping you up here while I am on the forums. You are bad

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 6:08 PM
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World Class QB

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Post: #7

Congrats brother, your iq on a game is really high, what a achievement in life. Clap clap. I threw a short throw because ive been lagging for past 3 months, and u said "You're bad" "and my iq is this and that" So i said I dont care about the game, fuck the pick. Idc ill throw 10 more, were up 30 points, and u think its ok to leave? But wow Im so amazed at how serious u take this game and pretend like you dont, u just wrote about my whole career on this game, how impressing. Before you talk, look at how u look bro, what matters is real life.
1-23-15 6:13 PM
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Roll Tide
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Post: #8

Last time I checked this is a forum for AFM not life, and I take this game really serious considering I just left a pug and got banned? Shouldn't contradict your self.. but you are right that's why I left is because you said you didn't care so why play? I mean if I am going to dedicate 30 minutes of my time to pug I think my qb should try 100% of the time? even when 30 points up? cmon now..

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 6:21 PM
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Post: #9

I agree with blood on this one. Messi you can make a valid point but anyone can take this game as serious as they'd like. We all have had our moments when we care a bunch and when we dont care not at all. Now blood trash talking you on this game is much better than him trash talking about your actual life (R.I.P Yeti). But other than that it was wrong for blood to leave and as admins we have to enforce the rules, but blood is right about trying 100 % of the time. Whether you suck dick or youre awesome or just trying to get better at something. Nobody can be pissed off at you for trying. And thats what the pug is all about is to take the competitive aspect of the game and turn it into a real life experience. And trying hard and learning from your mistakes is one of them. And i get the lag and the score difference but you should always strive to do your best. That way if it comes to a tourney game you should know what to look for.

[Image: 2014-11-0911_04_22.gif]

1-23-15 7:13 PM
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Defense Enthusiast

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Post: #10

And blood has far more experience than 90% of the people that play this mod and even though he can be a troll sometimes. Him calling you bad is just like if funtastik calls you bad or anyone calls you bad. They want you to know that you need to work on your mistakes so you can strive to be better at this mod.

[Image: 2014-11-0911_04_22.gif]

1-23-15 7:14 PM
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