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AFKS and Ignorant people in pugs
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Roll Tide
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Post: #1

There needs to be an afk rule put into pug matches.. Mainly for people who afk on a daily basis. I recently started pugging again and people have seemed to think it is okay sit out entire drives multiple times a game. Every one understands if something comes up that you need to leave mid game or have to leave your computer. Although, it should be established pregame whether you can dedicate 30 minutes to a pug match.

Also with new people playing the mod, I have noticed people seem to not want to listen.. I feel new players need to have an understanding of the "meta" and if they don't they should listen to players who do understand. I have run into several new players put into the rusher position not actually rush the qb. Which is fine since their new, but after countless times of me telling him to rush, the fucking Roach doesn't listen.

Implement those pey pey since you are actually enforcing rules.

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-20-13 6:41 PM
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Post: #2

cosigned, and please take off that "speed" command. It glitches up games and people abuse it to much. DINK about that.
1-20-13 6:45 PM
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Post: #3

if you know what I BEAN
1-20-13 6:48 PM
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Post: #4

I don't mind if people have admin, those people just need to learn when to do the commands and when not to, and admin should know to not be in the middle of the field during a play whether it interupts a game or not its still not okay. I understand people have to have admin to start pugs but those admin who are somewhat slow (Bean,Dink,Owens etc....) should know when to do things and when not to.

[Image: 2014-11-0911_04_22.gif]

1-20-13 6:56 PM
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Post: #5

I have a few solutions:
1. kill and move to spec after 'x' minutes
2. /revive respawns the person in the stands and not in the endzone.
3. create /afk <name> command. moves player to spec and revives them in the stands. 'what if someone abuses it as admin'... just take their admin away. The current method of /team <name> spec, /revive <name>, unfreeze, run to endzone, lob ball in air, forcefully bump revived spec out of bounds, and freeze game while ball is in the air is too much.

Please get rid of this fuckin command. The admins definitely abuse this too much and I cannot possibly fathom a reason why it would be a good idea to use it in the first place other than to abuse. Once people realize there's a new enhancement, there's some tick in their brain that gives them an impulse to continuously show that new enhancement.
1-20-13 8:44 PM
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Post: #6

The people that go AFK on a regular basis will now receive a ban duration of 1 day. This act is border line flaming, which results in a lengthier ban duration. So, if these people continue to go AFK then I will have no choice, but to extend their ban time after each infraction. I would rather have less players playing this game then have those select few slow down and ruin the game-play.

New players can be a stress. Last week someone thought it was okay to switch with me on defense and make me rush the quarterback. I banned him for the duration of the game because he went about it the wrong way. He was the weakest link on the team and he wouldn't rush the quarterback because he thought it was a demeaning position for one of his caliber. Only Shanks and I hold the right to ban these kind of players, but what I would suggest for others is to simply not draft them. The mod needs new players and the more we can rotate within the PUGs the better. However, if these players don't want to listen to more experienced players then there really is no upside in having them playing in the pick-up-games. This reminds me of when Craig was relatively new to the PUG scene as a quarterback and he was getting mentored by Blood and Funtastik. One thing you have to keep in mind is how you explain the game to these new players. If you bitch at them and tell them "you suck, you're so bad" then the chances of them getting better and understanding the point that you are trying to get across is unlikely. Psychologically speaking; more positive reinforcement, less negative reinforcement.

As for the speed command, itis not part of the football mod. It's actually my fault because I haven't reorganized the admin flags. I'm going to do this now so that instances of abuse with other plugins will never happen again. I was aware that one of the admins was using the speed command as a spectator, but I had no idea he was using it in-game as an advantage. There will be an update to the admin flags today and as a result the abilities of some admins will be altered.

Thanks for the posts guys.
1-21-13 8:21 AM
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Post: #7

Relating back to wally's post, dink has been all over the map with admin abusing, whether it be joining and ending the draft to be involved in the pug and using the speed command excessively. Another problem dink has is his freezing, hes constantly told when to freeze and when not to freeze but he still is freezing after the plays and then glitching the next play (the double snap thing). While other admins do have their problems dinks just seem reoccurring.
1-21-13 10:10 AM
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Post: #8

I don't want to point fingers and call out names, but dink is not the only issue in regards to admin abuse. AHEM.

Hence forth my denial of your offer of admin in exchange for the removal of admins.
1-22-13 12:34 PM
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Post: #9

I believe that some admins should not be admins at all, and others should have lesser abilities then they have now. Many tend to abuse as stated by the people above. Maybe just have admins that can ONLY start and end drafts since that is the main thing to even start a pug. The rest are unnecessary for them.
1-22-13 2:25 PM
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