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Ok now its time to take his admin
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Post: #3

oh so admins can talk a bunch of shit and no one else can I got you sorry I must have misread the rules because thats totally what it was made for right? just so the admins are invincible and can do whatever. Sorry I must have thought that this mod was logical but if thats what you say then sure. Also it seems i forgot to mention you loving to abuse grab? I mean how many times have you grabbed people mid bhop whether it be me, grogglez, or anyone else? I'm just curious can you count them out? because I atleast have been abused by you with grab atleast 15-20+ times. Sooooo yeah idk what thats all "aboot" but yeah, and yeah... This isn't about who jumpstarts pubs/pugs dw I already tried to use my influence in the mod to get away from a ban when me and jeff started nearly 90% of afm pugs. So if those actions are irrelevant ( then it should stay that way. ) and don't expect me to back down on an argument on this one. I'm going full hyoujin always right mode.
9-12-13 9:05 AM
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