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Ok now its time to take his admin
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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #6

When I was a kid, I would talk shit to police officers and instigate a response from them - I would push their buttons knowing that they couldn't do shit about it.

You know that Yeti has a shorter fuse when it comes to shit talking and you know that he's not a police officer so don't expect him to not retaliate.

You made a lot of good points in your initial post and I've talked to Yeti about it, but don't think just because someone is an admin that you can instigate a ban/kick from them and have their admin removed for doing so.
9-14-13 8:07 AM
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[] - Peyton - 9-14-13 8:07 AM
[] - Search4theYeti - 9-14-13, 9:44 AM