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Can't pick perfection.
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Post: #7


Ok you guys know that I have been more than fair and non-biased in the time I have been around, but when it comes to preserving the quality of the mod - the strict measures that I have taken are necessary and will remain intact.
10-4-13 4:46 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Simple request. - kc21 - 10-3-13, 12:34 PM
[] - Jeff. - 10-3-13, 1:27 PM
[] - Peyton - 10-3-13, 3:08 PM
[] - dop - 10-4-13, 3:29 AM
[] - dop - 10-4-13, 3:45 AM
[] - kc21 - 10-4-13, 5:13 AM
[] - Peyton - 10-4-13 4:46 PM
[] - kc21 - 10-5-13, 5:19 AM
[] - Peyton - 10-5-13, 7:46 PM
[] - kc21 - 10-6-13, 3:29 AM
[] - hyoujin - 10-7-13, 1:33 AM
[] - kc21 - 10-7-13, 8:35 AM