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Post-Championship Game Conference
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Posts: 197
Joined: May 2013
CSFL First TeamTournament ChampionCSFL ChampionRookie of the YearCSFL Champion
Post: #3

Mr. Hyoujin sir, is there any chance at all Peyton will return for one more season a la Tony Gonzales?


Mr. Hyoujin sir, many of your teammates throughout the season thought of you as a loudmouth.. any comments?


Mr. Hyoujin sir, is it true that once the NY Jets get 6 wins you will in fact eat your own pubes?

[Image: yPX0w7.gif]
10-9-13 5:45 PM
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[] - Search4theYeti - 10-9-13, 5:40 PM
[] - buttfumble - 10-9-13 5:45 PM
[] - Peyton - 10-9-13, 6:43 PM
[] - Shanks - 10-10-13, 9:52 AM