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Buttfumble thinks hes god now hes got admin
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Posts: 197
Joined: May 2013
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Post: #2

You're an embarrassment to the human race. I do none of the things you posted at all. You are a very sad individual. I muted you based off complaints from many players. "i dont want to argue with these kids online so i just block them" - that statement is completely untrue. You are constantly flaming everyone. Get real.

[Image: yPX0w7.gif]
2-15-14 7:35 AM
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Messages In This Thread
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14 7:35 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 7:40 AM
[] - Jello - 2-15-14, 7:53 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 8:00 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 8:02 AM
[] - Funtastik - 2-15-14, 8:25 AM
[] - Peyton - 2-15-14, 10:21 AM
[] - Jeff. - 2-15-14, 10:32 AM
[] - Jello - 2-15-14, 10:39 AM
[] - Jeff. - 2-15-14, 10:42 AM
[] - MilkMan - 2-15-14, 11:47 AM
[] - Peyton - 2-15-14, 12:20 PM