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Buttfumble thinks hes god now hes got admin
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Posts: 197
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Post: #5

TJ has groupies? I have multiple demos of you flaming actually. At least I don't sit home and get drunk by myself and then act like a tough guy over a video game. It got to a a point where you were yelling out the area code to Philly over your mic to people the other night. Like cool man you're from one of the shittiest cities in America and you're white. Much cool.

[Image: yPX0w7.gif]
2-15-14 8:00 AM
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[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 7:35 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 7:40 AM
[] - Jello - 2-15-14, 7:53 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14 8:00 AM
[] - buttfumble - 2-15-14, 8:02 AM
[] - Funtastik - 2-15-14, 8:25 AM
[] - Peyton - 2-15-14, 10:21 AM
[] - Jeff. - 2-15-14, 10:32 AM
[] - Jello - 2-15-14, 10:39 AM
[] - Jeff. - 2-15-14, 10:42 AM
[] - MilkMan - 2-15-14, 11:47 AM
[] - Peyton - 2-15-14, 12:20 PM