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I'm Champ Bailey, founder of Team [$]. AMA
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Post: #4

My man Champ Bailey - the pioneer of the ass catch.

It's always nice when an old timer comes back to explore the changes. I appreciate the kind words. Thankfully, these past few months I have been able to construct a good group of guys that make up the AFM staff. They helped take some of the load off of me and I am confident that they will continue to keep the mod prosperous.

I enjoy the comedic insults you still bombard me with. Takes me back to the day when we had our forum feuds, which me and WhooKid spent some time resurrecting from the old bloodservers website and incorporating into these forums. Also for the record, this noodle arm was the only to win a match with and against [$]. Go to your post history and read how upset you were when you lost to yours truly.

Love ya Champo.
3-11-14 5:15 PM
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[] - Champ - 3-11-14, 4:27 PM
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