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Last second pickups?
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Tom Brady

Posts: 216
Joined: Dec 2012
CSFL First TeamCSFL MVPCSFL First TeamTournament Champion
Post: #3

Your kind words regarding my ranking in this mod got me rock hard, thanks bud.

+1 for Shanks/Boo/Gee but your sleeping on Stevie Johnson and dr24.


Feisty roster.

(and btw, dealing with my shit means pardoning me for missing the 7th night of pugging after playing with Funtastik for 6 nights in a row (when nobody else was on except blood once in a while, my computer fucks up and I get left being AFK in a server because I'm stuck in a black screen and can't get out of it without restarting from my power-supply)
3-24-14 9:22 PM
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Last second pickups? - kc21 - 3-24-14, 3:27 AM
[] - Grogglez - 3-24-14, 9:40 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 3-24-14 9:22 PM
[] - Stevie - 3-25-14, 1:43 AM
[] - kc21 - 3-25-14, 2:37 AM
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