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opeezy pug admin server..
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The Real Mr. 99
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Post: #2

Give it to him under the condition that if he trolls we perm ban him.. then we can finally get rid of this mofo for good!

Kidding. Although he leaves pugs, he also starts 'em so I'm +1 for it.

[Image: 1zAFF.jpg]
4-2-14 3:15 PM
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Messages In This Thread
opeezy pug admin server.. - opeezy - 4-2-14, 5:36 AM
[] - Grogglez - 4-2-14 3:15 PM
[] - ParadoX - 4-2-14, 5:18 PM
[] - blood - 4-2-14, 9:40 PM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14, 1:11 AM
[] - kc21 - 4-3-14, 1:28 AM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14, 4:52 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 4-3-14, 5:30 AM
[] - Peyton - 4-3-14, 5:39 AM