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opeezy pug admin server..
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Roll Tide
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Post: #4

I think he should be given a shot I mean there are a lot of admins but at 2 am when he starts the pugs there can be no one on to start the draft.

As I said give him a shot we all know his history and the type of player he is but admin can be taken away just as easily as given. I believe he understands this.


sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
4-2-14 9:40 PM
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Messages In This Thread
opeezy pug admin server.. - opeezy - 4-2-14, 5:36 AM
[] - Grogglez - 4-2-14, 3:15 PM
[] - ParadoX - 4-2-14, 5:18 PM
[] - blood - 4-2-14 9:40 PM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14, 1:11 AM
[] - kc21 - 4-3-14, 1:28 AM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14, 4:52 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 4-3-14, 5:30 AM
[] - Peyton - 4-3-14, 5:39 AM