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opeezy pug admin server..
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Posts: 167
Joined: Aug 2013
Post: #7

kc anything you ever post is so fucking delusional and irrelevant, idk why you think you are a bigshot in a mod? Acting like you some shit, not even in an online game your not. I dont know why you have admin, all you do is fucking abuse and redraft once you come in late and draft complete just cause you wana play you dumb pos, only thinking of yourself and not the community and helping it grow. one word. die.
4-3-14 4:52 AM
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Messages In This Thread
opeezy pug admin server.. - opeezy - 4-2-14, 5:36 AM
[] - Grogglez - 4-2-14, 3:15 PM
[] - ParadoX - 4-2-14, 5:18 PM
[] - blood - 4-2-14, 9:40 PM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14, 1:11 AM
[] - kc21 - 4-3-14, 1:28 AM
[] - opeezy - 4-3-14 4:52 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 4-3-14, 5:30 AM
[] - Peyton - 4-3-14, 5:39 AM