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Impact on GB
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Roll Tide
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Post: #8

The Quarterback should always have the most impact cause the offense centered around that position.

but if you are referring to the match between us and GB

Jeff had the best offensive performance.

Peyton had the best defensive performance as a single player.

I felt that peyton refusing to use grogglez more was a mistake on his part.

And to this day I feel the defense of GB is always highly exploitable

My list in order of Impact on the match

1. Jeff
2. Peyton
3. Dop
4. Grogglez
5. Blaze

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
4-14-14 10:20 PM
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Impact on GB - Funtastik - 4-14-14, 2:36 PM
[] - kc21 - 4-14-14, 2:37 PM
[] - Grogglez - 4-14-14, 2:38 PM
[] - Jeff. - 4-14-14, 2:40 PM
[] - Search4theYeti - 4-14-14, 3:15 PM
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[] - blood - 4-14-14 10:20 PM
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