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Maybe or somethig new
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Tom Brady

Posts: 216
Joined: Dec 2012
CSFL First TeamCSFL MVPCSFL First TeamTournament Champion
Post: #4

The best at getting facial'd by bots in the 4th quarter of a tourney game.


*p.s to anybody reading, the 15 came at the end of FOUR quarters of scoring led by {GB} Peyton Manning, not 1 quarter of play like the very very low number would insinuate.
6-16-14 8:41 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Maybe or somethig new - Eakin - 6-16-14, 9:53 AM
[] - Funtastik - 6-16-14, 11:56 AM
[] - Peyton - 6-16-14, 1:45 PM
[] - Tom Brady - 6-16-14 8:41 PM
[] - kc21 - 6-17-14, 1:59 AM
[] - Peyton - 6-17-14, 5:16 AM
[] - kc21 - 6-17-14, 8:22 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 6-17-14, 11:48 AM
[] - Peyton - 6-17-14, 12:54 PM