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Peyton Manning
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Post: #2

Siri has talked to us that way in the past, both in the the PUG and PUB server. We just got rid of Messi for continually acting out and we won't deal with another of his kind, it's just plain annoying and cancerous to the community.

I never said "say one more thing to me last warning." I said "don't talk to me anymore last warning." I never egg people on just so I can kick or ban them, I just want people to stop being annoying and play the game. People talk shit to me all the time in the PUB and await to see me talk shit back, but since it's the PUB server and the shit talk is not worth my time, the reply is always the same: don't talk to me. If the unwarranted shit talk persists, you get kicked. I'm not dealing with childish behavior.

As for the ban, you were talking shit to boo about us after I had left. Seeing that you continued to talk shit for absolutely no reason, the account was banned.
7-4-14 1:43 PM
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Peyton Manning - blood - 7-4-14, 1:29 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-4-14 1:43 PM
[] - Siri - 7-4-14, 1:50 PM
[] - blood - 7-4-14, 1:53 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-4-14, 2:12 PM
[] - blood - 7-4-14, 2:23 PM
[] - Jeff. - 7-5-14, 4:52 PM
[] - Siri - 7-6-14, 4:45 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-6-14, 6:31 PM