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Peyton Manning
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Post: #4

Sure thing man. As I see it you are the source of the cancer.. This isn't how you play but how you treat people from a community stand point. Make up rules to fit your needs when there is objections you comb it over with lame excuses.. Idk what messi did nor do I care but I know my brother rarely plays enough to be considered cancerous. What ever he will spend his 15 days that's only because he doesn't understand how much of a shithead you have become. I know sure as hell i wouldn't play being treated like this.

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
7-4-14 1:53 PM
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Peyton Manning - blood - 7-4-14, 1:29 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-4-14, 1:43 PM
[] - Siri - 7-4-14, 1:50 PM
[] - blood - 7-4-14 1:53 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-4-14, 2:12 PM
[] - blood - 7-4-14, 2:23 PM
[] - Jeff. - 7-5-14, 4:52 PM
[] - Siri - 7-6-14, 4:45 PM
[] - Peyton - 7-6-14, 6:31 PM