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Posts: 527
Joined: Jul 2013
Post: #3

All Beaverboy does is play this lol he is on in the moring when mostly bad people play because the dont like playing with harder people later inn the day and he plays like all day as well I have not been on in the last like 2 weeks without seening beaver on and beaver has like 21k plays

[Image: zWVLXf1.png]
7-22-14 11:54 AM
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Server Pub Ratings - blood - 7-22-14, 10:15 AM
[] - Peyton - 7-22-14, 11:45 AM
[] - Eakin - 7-22-14 11:54 AM
[] - TehBass - 7-22-14, 12:01 PM
[] - buttfumble - 7-24-14, 9:47 AM
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[] - Search4theYeti - 7-28-14, 1:26 PM
[] - Chosen - 7-28-14, 7:06 PM