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Cling Cling
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Roll Tide
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Post: #4

In this post it doesn't say the amount of rings I have won.
In this post it doesn't say the amount of rings peyton has won.
In this post it doesn't say that I played for peyton in 4 Tournaments where he was complete dog shit. Aka Cutler to Marshall
In this post it doesn't say that When I played against peyton he had an incredibly stacked teams compared to everyone else at the time. If he can use this excuse so can I
In this post it doesn't say that in the next tournament around April he is going to to get absolutely murdered unless he has Grogglez Arod Dop and Boo
That is a fact

You will not stand a chance using shitties, stop being arrogant and pick up your gb fucks and lets have a decent last tournament Big Grin

Cling Cling

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-3-15 5:38 PM
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Cling Cling - blood - 1-2-15, 10:15 PM
[] - kc21 - 1-3-15, 8:24 AM
[] - Peyton - 1-3-15, 8:50 AM
[] - blood - 1-3-15 5:38 PM
[] - Peyton - 1-3-15, 6:36 PM
[] - blood - 1-3-15, 8:19 PM
[] - Siri - 1-4-15, 3:33 AM