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GB call out
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Post: #4

dude read that last paragraph and just let that sentence sink in... me and grogglez vs blood and funtastik...? why wouldn't you want this match up in tournament...

and as for imploded ego it will be imploded until some one in this mod can 1-1 stop me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
1-4-15 11:42 AM
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Messages In This Thread
GB call out - blood - 1-4-15, 2:50 AM
[] - kc21 - 1-4-15, 10:25 AM
[] - Peyton - 1-4-15, 11:06 AM
[] - kc21 - 1-4-15 11:42 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 1-4-15, 2:19 PM
[] - Misanthrope - 1-4-15, 5:58 PM
[] - blood - 1-4-15, 7:35 PM
[] - kc21 - 1-6-15, 7:32 AM
[] - Sly. - 1-6-15, 9:55 AM
[] - Grogglez - 1-10-15, 9:46 PM
[] - Sly. - 1-10-15, 10:03 PM
[] - kc21 - 1-11-15, 2:51 AM
[] - Tom Brady - 1-14-15, 8:25 AM