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Got banned from Pug for leaving
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World Class QB

Posts: 144
Joined: Mar 2014
Post: #2

Score wise game was over when it started. You're wrong though, they all got banned. Record, Chrispy, and whoever else it was. Just because its ALMOST 4th quarter doesnt give you the right to pretty much /end it. the game was ended right the second you left. And even in the rules it says that :

By starting a pug match, you're willing to spend 20-30 minutes of your time.
1-23-15 3:33 PM
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[] - Messi - 1-23-15 3:33 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 3:36 PM
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[] - Boo - 1-23-15, 4:53 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:08 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 6:13 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:21 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:13 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:14 PM
[] - Messi - 1-24-15, 4:50 AM
[] - Jeff. - 1-24-15, 8:24 AM
[] - blood - 1-24-15, 1:05 PM