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Got banned from Pug for leaving
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World Class QB

Posts: 144
Joined: Mar 2014
Post: #4

Jokes on you, "moron." If you know the rules why'd u break them. Atleast record had a replacement and boo still said he was going to ban him. Chrispy rage quit like u did and got a ban. Atleast record had a actual reason and though I wanted him instead of U on my team, he had a good reason, he's not gonna starve him self over a pug. While u decided to just yell at me, call me bad and leave because I don't throw to U and abuse u ever play.
1-23-15 4:09 PM
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[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 3:33 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 3:36 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15 4:09 PM
[] - Boo - 1-23-15, 4:53 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:08 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 6:13 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:21 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:13 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:14 PM
[] - Messi - 1-24-15, 4:50 AM
[] - Jeff. - 1-24-15, 8:24 AM
[] - blood - 1-24-15, 1:05 PM