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Got banned from Pug for leaving
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Roll Tide
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Post: #6

@Messi I left because you said you didn't care about the game because "It was over" You were getting sacked and throwing picks because your mouse or some shit wasn't working.. The game was out of reach and there were several pauses because one of their players had left. Regardless I accept responsibility for my ban I was just wondering why I get punished while others had not. Also you are not a good player at all.. any one who has said you were good was trolling you. You suck at Quarterback your deep throws are terrible you can't even throw a proper in or out route. You have no awareness period.. You WR like a bot Routes are garbage and you constantly miss wide open passes. Your Defense is utter trash You can't even handle eakin when the passes where throw so you can make a play. You are not good, I am ending this garbage about people hyping you up here while I am on the forums. You are bad

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 6:08 PM
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Messages In This Thread
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 3:33 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 3:36 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 4:09 PM
[] - Boo - 1-23-15, 4:53 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15 6:08 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 6:13 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:21 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:13 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:14 PM
[] - Messi - 1-24-15, 4:50 AM
[] - Jeff. - 1-24-15, 8:24 AM
[] - blood - 1-24-15, 1:05 PM