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Got banned from Pug for leaving
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Roll Tide
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Post: #8

Last time I checked this is a forum for AFM not life, and I take this game really serious considering I just left a pug and got banned? Shouldn't contradict your self.. but you are right that's why I left is because you said you didn't care so why play? I mean if I am going to dedicate 30 minutes of my time to pug I think my qb should try 100% of the time? even when 30 points up? cmon now..

sbA* Tj 9/31 (29%) 154 1td 11ints 19 qb rtg -13 rtg
1-23-15 6:21 PM
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[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 3:33 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 3:36 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 4:09 PM
[] - Boo - 1-23-15, 4:53 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15, 6:08 PM
[] - Messi - 1-23-15, 6:13 PM
[] - blood - 1-23-15 6:21 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:13 PM
[] - Jeff. - 1-23-15, 7:14 PM
[] - Messi - 1-24-15, 4:50 AM
[] - Jeff. - 1-24-15, 8:24 AM
[] - blood - 1-24-15, 1:05 PM