hooyo was banned for 10 days on January 16th because he purposely abandoned a PUG match. Now he claims that he has served his ban and that I am unjustifiably extending it.
As you can see from his stats, he has only served 5 days of his ban because he begged admins to unban him. I am merely correcting the duration of his ban.
|]oc I hope nobody unbans you for falling for this kid's stupidity and for saying what you did. As for the fake outrage this has caused, @
Record's admin has temporarily revoked for fueling this mess.
Also, @
hooyo, I am not phisherman nor am I boogiebot as you claim. I know you're a fan of Alex Jones but I told @
jedi to ban anyone he has suspicion of using multiple accounts. Do you go to sleep fantasizing about me or something? You only have 5 days left, stop thinking about me.
On a lighter note, things are in the works for the future of AFM which is why I'm still lingering far in the background. I'll be on discord this Sunday for the Super Bowl, see you all there.