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Basic Rules
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Hall of Fame

Posts: 57
Joined: Feb 2008
Hall of FamerWide Receiver of the YearTournament Champion
Post: #1

1. During the scrims do not fck around.
2. Do not tag other football clans onto your name.
3. Always put a tag on outside football servers if not in Official NFL Football Mod Server.
4. Don't make [$] look bad.
5. Trash talk other clans as much as you can.
6. Do not trash talk during scrim. Always end on a good note.
7. Do not put on each other's names. Stick to your name or confirm with me a new name you are wanting.
8. Add Champ as soon as you join.
9. Be Active.

Thas basically all i can think of right now.
2-27-08 8:07 PM
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i am a cuck

Posts: 246
Joined: Jun 2015
Post: #2

8-11-18 5:35 AM
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