People keep asking the self proclaimed AFM historian "Who is gonna win the Winter Classic Yeti?." So after a very short process of thought I though I would break down the teams and forecast the games.
Pimpin Aint Breesy
A fine collection of Long time veterans and Hall of Famers make up this highly decorated and splendid team. Dop, Deadpool, Arod and Yoona make a fine WR corps for often forgotten about and arguably the 2nd greatest and most daring QB of all-time Tupapsmear. With Search4theYeti's underrated all around prowess covering the entire bench and Coolbrah bringing the mustard. This team is definitely looking for a trip to the finals.
The Fugitives
A ragtag group of vagabonds that even their mothers wouldn't put out a wanted poster for. Already mired in a semi QB controversy thanks to their captains Record indecisiveness. Who is going to be the interception generator for these guys folks? Will it be Wkb, the tin man aka Staterfan or will Record succumb to his pubstar delusions and throw the ball? Can Leggie and the asian wonder twins Ruhroh and zoinks bhop magic lead this team to the promised land or will they be as lost as Milkman in a CSFLII game? Will WKB and Jello fight over the last beer? Who knows? Only time will tell. Godspeed.
The Incognitos
Already mired in a team leadership battle over who was going to be the true team leader will The Brady Bunch or Dirty Skanks and the Boys rise above their egos and gel together to exhibit the potential Tom MF Brady has shown as an up and coming Quarterback of the ages? Will AJ add to his HoF credibility? Will Stevie Johnson show he is versatile in the slot as behind the center? Will Jeff ever really answer the question of "Why name yourself Jeff when your name is Dan ffs?" Will buttfumble even play a down after relegating himself to an after thought after months of dedication? The answers to these questions and more are sure to be put to rest in the near future as the AFM community anxiously awaits them meeting Pimping ain't Breesey in the conference finals.
CZ Swag
99 Problems
They have 99 problems but Boo ain't one.
ShortBus Allstars
It finally looks like .SBA captain TJ has finally figured out how to spin nose hair into gold and convince AFM Boomerang Peyton Manning to come back faster then Jack Nickalous or Ric Flair after a Divorce settlement. Can Peyton lead this team of random glory hunters to the promised land or will they come up short like Bean in line for the Great American Scream Machine? Can Beerman cure what ales him and this team to finally get that ever elusive ring? Will people finally stop confusing Chrispy with Milkman? Will wally and ciro ever speak? Can Blaze regain the speed and hands that enabled him to catch ice cream trucks in a single bound? Either way they still look to have a date with 99 names in their conference finals showdown.
SBA vs 99
PAB vs SBA in the finals
PAB wins it all.